Renew Your 3 Month Membership

(Pay As You Go Monthly)

This is for you if:

  • you have been gifted (or bought yourself) a three month membership
  • you're on your last box from the gift
  • you want to continue getting our boxes
  • you want to pay a month at a time (rather than in a lump sum upfront)

You will only have to pay £14.99 today.  We will then take £14.99 a month until you have reached a year in total or until you decide to stop.

(total 9 payments, one today plus up to 8 months maximum but only if you continue to enjoy it.)


In the checkout below, make sure you have entered the child's name and address that has been used for the membership to date, so we can match the two together.

If you have a renewal discount coupon, enter it at the bottom.

How flexible is this?

Your membership will carry on until you say stop, or until the end of the nine months, meaning you have had a year in total. If you need to cancel, just let us know and we will stop your membership. If you have already paid for a box at the point of the month when you need to cancel, you will still receive that last box.